Another Kölsch

KÖLSCH RESPONSIBLY // We love Kölsch, In fact, we love it so much, that we throw festivals showcasing its beauty. Hyper clean and bright, with delicate German malts and a subtle, yet absolutely lovely, white wine note, we crush over this profoundly crushable beer.

DETAILS: Another (4.8%) • Kölsch, brewed with a blend of German Barke & Pilsner malt, Chit, and Vienna malt; Hopped with Hallertau Tradition; Fermented with a traditional Kölsch strain

Vegan Friendly
Ask for a Traditional 0.2CL Stange

hershel baltrotsky

Hershel Baltrotsky is the former art director at Girl Skateboards and is currently the art director at Nike SB and Nike ACG. You can find Hershel’s work at @artraffle &

Want to learn more about Hershel’s art philosophy and epic career as an artist, check out this interview from


Bella Beera Italian Pilsner